Live performance at Experimental Intermedia Foundation NYC

Okkyung Lee and Kjell will perform live on March 10th at OPTOSONIC TEA. They will share the evening with Leah Singer and Lee Ranaldo. Kathleen Forde will respond to the event and moderate the discussion afterwards.
OptoSonic Tea is a regular series of evenings dedicated to the convergence of live visuals with live sound which focuses on the visual component organized by Katherine Liberovskaya and Ursula Scherrer. These presentation-and-discussion meetings aim to explore different forms of live visuals (live video, live film, live slide projection and their variations and combinations) and the different ways they can come into interaction with live audio. Each evening features two different live visual artists or groups of artists who each perform a set with the live sound artists of their choice. The presentations are followed by an informal discussion about the artists' practices over a cup of green tea. A third artist, from previous generations of visualists or related fields, is invited specifically to participate in this discussion so as to create a dialogue between current and past practices and provide different perspectives on the present and the future. Please visit:

224 Centre Street at Grand, Third Floor, N Y 10013
212.431.5127 | 431.6430
fax 212.431.4486
