Argos Festival 22. October Performance

During the closing evening on October 22nd a performance is planned by MIMEO (Music In Movement Electronic Orchestra), an informal collective around Keith Rowe and video maker Kjell Bjørgeengen.

MIMEO, which features the likes of Peter Rehberg, Justin Bennett, Christian Fennesz, Keith Rowe, Jerome Noetinger, Gert-Jan Prins and others from the field of electronica and improvisation, have played around Europe in various combinations, operated through a kind of internet e-mail democracy. Keith Rowe couches his description of the group's dynamic in terms of what he calls "the doubt laden transition from the world of scarcity (analogue spectrum) to the one of plenty (digital)".

Within the orchestra this transition is represented by the group primitives, with their instruments rooted in history, and the powerbook powerhouses, embracing new technologies. The result is a performance worked around choice and juxtaposition, perhaps more of an installation or a happening than a concert. For the first collaboration between Bjørgeengen and MIMEO, Rowe visualizes "a claustrophobic / oppressive /teaming inner world with a high intense scrambling sound".