May 29th - 2014: INTERACTIVE MUSIC, Bolivar Hall, London

Concert series to explore free improvisation, free jazz, electro-acoustic music, modern compositions.

VENUE: Bolivar Hall, 54-56 Grafton Way, London, W1T 5DL (Underground station: Warren Street - Northern & Victoria lines)
DATE: Thursday 29th May 2014, 7:30pm
ENTRY: Suggested donations £7, doors open 7:15pm

Cornelius Cardew - February Piece 1960, February Piece 1961, 4th System, Material %26 Unintended Piano Music.
John Tilbury - piano
Samuel Beckett - Cascando & What is the Word.
John Tilbury - piano & voice
Kjell Bjørgeengen - video

This concert is made possible through the goodwill of the musicians involved and the support of the cultural section of the Venezuelan Embassy.
This series is organised by Giovanni La Rovere